Only One Name: His surname is never revealed.Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: His callow and careless actions directly result in Mark's death.However, when needed, he can be just as brutal as the infected, as West's men learned the hard way. Nice Guy: Compassionate, kinda, and is shaken up over needing to kill an infected child.Naked on Arrival: How he wakes up from his coma.Mirror Character: He shows himself to be capable of the same brutality as the Infected.The Everyman: Until he finds his inner Badass.

You know why? Because it's really obviously a shit idea." It has also been updated with information on the 42-day window."No, no.

This post has been updated to include information about second doses received before the 21 or 28 days. Your provider should give you information about what vaccine you got and when you should come back for a second dose, DSHS says. If for some reason you don’t go to the same provider, make sure your second shot is from the same manufacturer as the first. You don’t have to go to the same provider you went to the first time to get your second shot, says the Texas Department of State Health Services, but your provider should receive a second dose for you. It takes time for your body to build up immunity, and the vaccine may not protect you until one or two weeks after the second shot, the CDC says. Doses inadvertently administered earlier than the grace period do not need to be repeated."Īfter getting the second dose, health experts warn, you won’t immediately be fully immune. The CDC says: "Second doses administered within a grace period of 4 days earlier than the recommended date for the second dose are still considered valid. Some people have gotten their second dose earlier than the recommended timeframe. The agency does urge people to get the second shot as close to those 21- and 28-day timeframes as possible so they can get full protection as soon as possible. Beyond that window, there's not a lot of data available on the vaccine's efficacy. The vaccines can be administered up to 42 days after the first, according to the CDC. If you can’t schedule an appointment exactly 21 or 28 days from your first appointment, that's OK. Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine calls for a second dose 21 days after the first, and Moderna’s calls for the second dose 28 days later. right now require two doses for full protection. The two COVID-19 vaccines approved in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says you can get the second dose later than the recommended interval, but you shouldn’t get it sooner. QUESTION: Is it necessary to get the second shot exactly 21 or 28 days later, or is it at least that amount? What if something comes up and you can't make it for the second shot on exactly that day? - SusanĪNSWER: No, you do not need to get the second shot exactly 21 or 28 days after the first.