Search and destroy advanced warfare
Search and destroy advanced warfare

search and destroy advanced warfare

  • Fixed issue where the Ameli – Chicanery Elite variant would remain locked after permanent unlock via Prestige.
  • Fixed Goliath players out of world exploit.
  • search and destroy advanced warfare

    Fixed threat indicator issue with friendly MDL projectiles and the Crossbow Bolt.

    search and destroy advanced warfare

    Fixed issue where 1st players progress in Exo Survival would be lost when signing into a Splitscreen local play.Fixed stretched weapon loot icon in Killcam feeds.Added “RELOAD”, “LOW AMMO”, and “NO AMMO” HUD notifications on all Weapon Loot.Fixed issue with the Reinforcement icon overlapping HUD while playing in Splitscreen.Fixed issue with the “Taking” icon overlapping the flag icons in Momentum Splitscreem.Fixed Momentum mantle prompt overlapping with 2X indicator.Adjusted the time limit expiration for Red Baron gear after challenge has been completed.Fixed rare crash issue when switching profiles.Addressed rare issue where CTF flag was not being returned immediately.Increased the timing between kills to count Multikills.Adjusted the score value the System Hack Scorestreak.Removed skull HUD element from System Hack Scorestreak UI effect.I’m not sure how the search criteria was changed since they only information they give us is “matchmaking improvements” but it appears that games are being searched for a little differently and in turn it is possible to find a few more games at this point even though about half of the player base has already left the game. Last night however after applying this patch I could actually find multiple games in those modes without any real trouble – barring the odd lag and hit detection issues that are still in the game. That is absolutely pathetic and unacceptable to not be able to play my favorite game mode that I purchased this game to play with the game releasing just a little over a month ago. At one point I sat in a CTF “lobby” for 27 minutes while multitasking and doing other things in the background and a few people dropped in and out of the lobby but never once in those 27 minutes did a game of CTF get started. Just a few nights ago around the same time in the evening I couldn’t get into any Capture the Flag, Search & Destroy, Momentum or Uplink games. I’m not going to praise this patch for fixing what appears to be a rather terrible matchmaking system from my experience so far but I will say that I have seen some improvements with this patch – as far as getting into games. Full details can be found below if you haven’t read them already. The first large patch was released yesterday for Advanced Warfare finally fixing a few more things than just little graphical and UI bugs.

    Search and destroy advanced warfare